Zen Breathwork Facilitator Training

What is Zen Breathwork?

Zen Breathwork is a powerful technique which results in harmonizing & healing body and mind. It is a facilitated deep breathing session done lying down accompanied by specific music, and is suitable for anyone wanting to gain more insight, relieve stress and experience awakening to full human potential. On a physical level Zen Breathwork trains the body to breathe in a more relaxed and full manner. This can increase athletic performance and relaxation. Psychologically, the breath and emotion are integrally connected on a deep biological level, so harmonizing this connection is essential to mental health.

Spiritually, it can provide a window into states of expanded awareness on many different levels. Those who have benefited from Zen Breathwork include athletes, yoga and meditation teachers, therapists, body workers and anyone else seeking to increase performance, awareness and health.

For more information or to book a session contact OpenMindZen@aol.com or (321) 427-3511.

How do I Become a Facilitator of Zen Breathwork?

Those who have trained to become a Zen Breathwork Facilitator include massage therapists and other wholistic health providers, yoga teachers, meditation teachers, nurses and others.

The Program consists of 30 hours of in-person group training which takes place over 2 weekends. Topics covered are the physiology of the breathing process, how to facilitate a session, issues that arise in breathwork, and more. Participants are required to lead at least 4 sessions in between the first and second training with clients, and take notes for subsequent supervision.

Upon satisfactory completion of the course participants will be Certified as a Zen Breathwork Facilitator and will be listed on the website.