Open Mind Zen Online Zen Training
Koan Practice
Roshi Rapaport was one of the first Zen teachers in the world to correspond with students via Zoom. For over a decade now, we have found that keeping in touch via video conferencing is an extremely effective way to practice, provided the student can maintain a strong personal practice and occasionally attend retreats.
Students find that Zoom sessions are virtually the same as face-to-face meetings in terms of maintaining contact with a teacher and progressing through the system. Because Roshi Rapaport has worked with Zen koans for almost 50 years and is acknowledged as an expert in the field, he specializes in working with advanced practitioners who have practiced in other lineages as well as those who have meditated for many years and have wanted to start examining koans to augment their practice. So, whether you are a beginner or an experienced student who has been stuck on a koan for months or years, this work can be valuable and rewarding.
For more information contact us at OpenMindZen@aol.com .
Zen Dialogue Sessions
Zen Dialogue sessions can be done via Zoom, with great effectiveness. It is an innovative process based on the fact that the most direct way to deal with the quest for Awakening is to enlist the help of the ego part of the Self rather than attempting to force it to change. Zen Dialogue is a facilitated series of hour long sessions that focus on identifying and dialoging with various aspects of the Self. The result of this method is increased clarity of purpose and understanding of how and why we function the way we do.
Online Groups
Open Mind Zen sponsors a number of online meditation groups. If you are interested in joining us, simply email OpenMindZen@aol.com to let us know. We’ll give you the password needed to join the session, and we’ll happily answer any questions that you may have.
Tuesday – with Russ Mitchell
7:00pm EST A Short Sit
7:30pm EST Coffee and Conversation
Thursday – with Roshi Al Rapaport and Other Open Mind Teachers
For all members or students of any OMZ affiliate or teacher
7:00pm EST (Starts April 6th)
Saturdays – 12 Noon EST (9am PST)
Open Mind Zen Pasadena Meditation and Discussion
(Email Sensei Tim for details timryuko@gmail.com)
Saturdays – 1pm EST
Sitting with Robert Epstein
(Email Robert if you plan to attend: epsteinrob@yahoo.com)
Sunday – 10am EST
All Groups Meditation and Discussion