Open Mind Zen Meditation International
Open Mind Zen is a unique form of Zen practice based on ancient, traditional methods while incorporating more modern modalities. We believe that the core of Zen Practice is realization and actualization of Awakened Mind in everyday life and have found that various methods foster this journey.
In Open Mind Zen practice the student uses his or her own life experience as the laboratory to engage in the experiment of spirituality. This includes working with the mind, body and spirit to see the oneness of all aspects of the Self for a complete experience of freedom and awakening.
About Open Mind Zen
Traditional Zen Practice
Zen practice always begins and ends with zazen, or seated meditation, which has been central to the Buddhist meditative tradition for 2600 years. Click here to learn more about traditional Zen practice at Open Mind Zen.
Non Traditional Practice
We believe in using what we have found to be the most effective methods from traditional Zen, combined with the most effective methods from more modern Western schools. Click here to learn more about non-traditional Zen practice at Open Mind Zen.
Online Zen Training
For over a decade now, we have found that keeping in touch via video conferencing is an extremely effective way to practice. Click here to learn more about online Zen training at Open Mind Zen.
Retreats and Events
Most practitioners find it far easier to learn meditation with the support and guidance of experienced teachers in a group setting. We offer weekly ongoing meditation classes, special, structured programs on specific methods from various Buddhist traditions, and monthly one-day retreats on various themes. Longer retreats are offered several times a year and include multiple days of residential practice.
Ongoing Open Mind Practice Opportunities
A number of Open Mind Zen teachers offer weekly online practice opportunities. View the Online Zen Practice page to see all of these events. If you are interested in practicing in-person, please visit the Affiliate Groups page to learn about all of our regional Zen Centers and sitting groups.

A special part of the Open Mind Zen experience is our community. In Zen, the Three Jewels are considered to be Buddha (the teacher), Dharma (the teaching) and Sangha (the community of practitioners). Community is the field in which we learn and grow, giving important feedback that aids us in our journey.